Maddermarket booked for 2023!!
Greetings Proglodites,
It's a bit late, I know, but thanks to everyone that came out to see us at The Maddermarket Theatre a couple of
weeks ago. So good to see so many people out for prog! We had a great night! Photos coming soon..
We are delighted to announce that we have been booked to return to The Maddermarket on Saturday 19th August 2023. Hurrah! Hope to see an even bigger crowd next time!!
Our next show is tomorrow night (Saturday 20th) at Club 85 in Hitchin. We last played there in 2015, so it's been a while. Hoping to see a good crowd in there too, and some familiar faces possibly. It's the closest one to London this year.
There are still tickets left, so come and see the show!!
Live long and prosper
