Eva has been with Progfathers from the very beginning, way back in 2012. Sadly, she has recently left the band due to other commitments and endeavours. Eva will hopefully still appear with Progfathers on the odd occasion.
Eva is a classically trained multi-instrumentalist. She first started learning the flute at the age of 11, followed by piano and violin. Eva went on to study flute at the Robert Schumann conservatoire, Dusseldorf, Germany and holds a Diploma of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. She currently works as a peripatetic flute and violin teacher for various schools and music services.
Other Projects:
Flute: Mateki MO 052
Sax: Julius Keilwerth SX90R, Yanagisawa mouthpiece, Superlux clip-on condensor mic
Violin: Ludwig Hoefer, Fecit Coloniae 1929, Bow: K Penzel
TC Helicon Voice Live 3 Effect Processor
Shure SM57
Favourite Prog Moment:
"Probably the beginning of Dancing With The Moonlit Knight from "Selling England By The Pound"; I remember listening to it for the first time when I got into my car. I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of the opening vocal lines that I suddenly burst into tears! I had to stop at the side of the road and was late for work!"