Esat started learning flute a bit late, when he was in his 20s. He started playing in bands not long after and has played with many. A gentle push from his band mates got him to the front, alas, singing! He also strums a bit of guitar and pushes some synth keys when no one is looking.
The needs of the band combined with natural curiosity led him to build his first analog synth, complete with selectable ladder (nod nod) AND diode (wink wink) VCAs!! He supports Progfathers with his not so superficial electronics skills as well, including having designed and
built a stereo clean boost (called Warp Drive!) pedal for Phil's Hammond!
Shure Beta 57,Golden Age Project Pre-73 Jr, Golden Age Project Comp-3a Jr
Radial Eng. Guitar Effects Interface & Reamp Box & Various Effect Pedals
Pearl PF-525 flute
Cort HBS-II electric guitar, Nux Cerberus Multi Effects Pedal
Radial Eng. Stage Bug DI box
Shure PSM300 Personal Monitor System, Custom Triple-Driver In Ear Monitors
Favourite Prog Moment:
"I fell asleep when I was at a Jethro Tull concert in Ephesus in 1991, just 10 years old! I must have absorbed that music somehow..."
or"Soup is better."
Photo by Martyn Turner, with thanks.